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A global agricultural materials company generates more than 4 million pounds of by-product at two of its largest sites. The by-product was either going to landfill or low-value outlets.
We helped a large snack food manufacturer with facilities across the United States that was generating hundreds of millions of pounds of snack waste every year.
Our company conducted R&D on how to process the material successfully in a manufacturing setting. We made the first of its kind capital investment in a factory to process the material and successfully commercialized the use of the material by developing markets in 26 countries.
Our company worked with a large national dairy company to develop a reverse logistics process for the collection of the near expired material.
We were able to direct all of the spent material away from low value livestock diets and into industrial pet food market which led to higher values for yeast and a more stable ongoing solution for the yeast.
Our company conducted R&D on how to process the material successfully in a manufacturing setting. We made the first of its kind capital investment in a factory to process the material and successfully commercialized the use of the material by developing markets in 26 countries.